A well presented detached bungalow located just a short walk from the town centre
Services: Mains water, electricity and gas are connected. Connection to mains drains. Gas Central Heating. uPVC Double glazing. Telephone connection subject to the usual British Telecom Regulations.
Council Tax: We are informed by Ryedale District Council that this property falls in band C
Tenure: We are advised by the Vendors that the property is freehold and vacant possession will be given upon completion.
Viewing Arrangements: Strictly by prior appointment through the Agents:
Messrs Rounthwaite & Woodhead, Market Place, Pickering. Telephone: 01751 472800/430034
Directions: Travelling into Pickering along the A170 in an Easterly (towards Scarborough) direction take the right turn at the traffic lights (Lidl Supermarket) onto Vivis Lane. Continue along this road for a few hundred yards and following the road past the corner. At the T junction take a right turn onto Firthlands Road. Take the next left turn sign posted Ingsgarth with No.35 being located on the left hand side.